Reading Can Improve Your Life and Your Toddler’s Life Right Now and, in the Future

Reading to our children even before birth can substantially increase not only academic success but social and psychological well-being. Children who are read to, become readers. Reading opens new worlds of knowledge, experience, motivation, and self-help. Readers are better writers, better communicators, and better learners . Reading is an essential life skill for following instructions, reading maps, following recipes just to name a few. Without reading life experience and exploration are limited. Reading to toddlers can be challenging. Toddlers want to move. They want to explore their world, they want to pull everything out of drawers, climb furniture. The power to move and move things is exhilarating. It’s a newfound ability and they want to sharpen their new skills. Baby proof and do not worry about the mess. Sit back, watch and enjoy their antics but don’t forget about reading. Reading to Your Child Will Improve Your Relationship Our children need connection, we...